Simple Design - for minimal risks only. Suitable only for low risk applications where hazards can be identified by the wearer in time to deal with them.
CE Category Information
Personal Protective Equipment Directives (89/686/CEE) and (93/68/CEE) have been put in places by the European Community to ensure all regulations regarding testing of all PPE sold within the community works together. All gloves of intermediate and a more complex design must now be tested independently to grade their performance and ensure their safety to the user. It is a requirement that if they meet these standards, a CE Mark is visible on the gloves or their packaging when it is not practical.

Intermediate Design - reversible risks. Products are type examined by an approved body where they examine the manufacturers’ technical specifications and conduct tests for the relevant standards to ascertain their conformity and/or performance.

Potentially fatal risks, for example in activities where toxic or highly corrosive chemicals are handled. The glove must meet the standards set out for this category. Its compliance is not only certified but also checked by a notified body, the reference number of which is located below the CE logo.